What Does Opal Symbolize? What Does Opal Represent?

Opals can be very symbolic and hold a special, unique meaning for many people. Opal is a water stone taking millions of years to harden and form inside of the earth. Whether Opal is your October birthstone or if you just happen to love the Precious Gemstone, lets learn more about the meaning behind Opal.


The history of birthstones can be traced back thousands of years. Dating back to ancient scriptures, meanings were attached to birthstones after realizing that gemstones held different energies and could be beneficial for oneself to wear. As such, some believe the notion that by including Opal into one's jewellery collection the energy the precious Opal Gemstone contains brings forth those same energies into one's life.



There are numerous traits and characteristics Opal is said to bring to the surface for transformation. Some being that it enhances self-worth, confidence, and self-esteem bringing lightness and spontaneity into one’s life. 

The stone is said to help stimulate originality and dynamic creativity, encouraging an interest in the arts and one’s self-expression.


Because the Precious Gemstone is so reflective with its play of color, it also symbolizes the expansion of the mind, growing not only creatively but with empathy as well. Similar to enjoying the "play of colors" with every movement of the gem, so too is one able to pick up thoughts and feelings from different angles in one's life. It encourages putting out positive emotions and teaches that what you put out comes back to you. 

Explore the largest collection of Australian Opal Jewellery online at www.australianopaldirect.com and see our beautiful array of Opal Gemstones today and manifest what YOU think Opal represents in your life. 


*The information provided here is for entertainment and reference purposes only. It is based on centuries of folklore, most of which came before the age of modern medicine. It is not meant as actual medical information.